Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Pleased to meet ewe

Despite the fact that this messes up the chronological order here's a little roundup of Easter holidays activities.

Three visits to Boydells farm in Shalford (got to make sure we get full value from the season ticket!). It's a great place where you can get really close to the sheep and there's lots of other animals like goats, chickens and llamas to feed. Their website is here, they're well worth a visit and if you come to ours we'll probably drag you there ourselves.

Holding a lamb

Thomas & lamb

Thomas and Martha also visited Halstead fire station thanks to our builder Dan needing to put in a couple of 'community relations' hours.

Here's Martha in the back of the fire engine.

In the fire engine

And Thomas giving his verdict on the whole fire station experience.

In the fire engine

Martha also had a play in a toy digger at the site of Tom and Dan's latest construction masterpiece - Dan's extension.

Martha in the digger

Finally, we visited the Bignall family in Hempnall and as usual made full use of Hempnall's far too good for a small village in Norfolk playground. Here's Martha on some Finnish wooden bouncy thing that had just been installed.

Martha Hempnall

Monday, 16 April 2007

First day at school

Thomas started school on 16th April. He's in reception class at Bocking Church Street where he'll be meeting up again with lots of friends from nursery and making some new ones.
Here he is getting his new school shoes on.

First day_3

Ready to go with the full uniform on.

First day_1

School dinner seemed to go down well, spaghetti bolognese, chocolate yoghurt and a drink of water.
Just half days for the first couple of weeks and then it's full time.

Click here for another photo (with Martha in it).