Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin lanterns and dressing up in seasonal costumes, what's not to like?

Thomas and Martha admire our handiwork

With the lanterns


Thursday, 11 October 2007

Bear Necessities

Saturday 6th October was the occasion of Martha's 3rd birthday party. There was a theme running through the event - Teddy Bears. Everyone made a teddy bear out of cardboard, material, pipe cleaners and anything else that came to hand.

Making teddies

All the teddies

Then it was outside for a bear hunt, chocolate bears cunningly hidden by Kate and Dan.

Josephine hunts bears

Amelia after successful bear hunt

Martha got lots of lovely presents, here she is opening one of them.

Martha and present

We even managed to record the rugby and watched it 'as live' afterwards.
Thanks to everyone who came along, especially Pauline for making the teddy templates.