Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Simply the (personal) best

I know it was a while ago now but back in September Rachel ran her first 10K (see here). On 7th October she did her second - the Southend 10K along Southend sea front. It being flatter, less windy and Rachel having the benefit of having done one already she improved her time to under an hour - 58 mins and 12seconds.
It was quite a family affair, with Lynda, John, David, Nicky, Paul and Stella all taking part as well and a similar number of people on support / childminding duties.

Here's another shaky handheld digital camera video clip of Rachel arriving at the finish.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it!

Rick, Rebecca, Amelia & Grace came to visit on the weekend of November 3rd. Although it was a bit late for Halloween all the children made lanterns out of some of Grandad's home grown pumpkins. Here are the results.

All the pumpkins

We also went for a walk up to Doreward's Hall farm and fed some of the animals. Amelia wasn't too keen on the goats but Thomas and Martha have been there several times before and seemed OK with them.

With a goat

For some reason the children decided to go all Freemans catalogue on us for some photos taken on the walk back.

Posing again

We had fireworks on Saturday evening, complete with sparklers for everyone

Grace enjoys a sparkler

Martha and sparkler

All in all a very pleasant weekend.